
It’s Not Too Late

By Mary Sutton / @mary_sutton73

The start of the school year always puts me in a reflective mood. And here’s what I’m reflecting on this morning.

Yesterday, Diana Nyad completed a historic swim from Cuba to Florida – at the age of 64.

One of my favorite authors, Hank Phillppi Ryan, is set to release another book next week, the follow up to her wildly successful novel The Other Woman. She published her first book at 55.

I turn 40 next week. I used to think that I was behind the eight ball – that I’d wasted so many years. But looking at these women, I now know the truth.

I’m not behind at all. I’m 15 to 20 years ahead of the curve.

Dream big.

PS: Read a flash fiction story “Twins” by Liz Milliron (my crime fiction alter ego) in this month’s issue of Uppagus.com.

Image of Diana Nyda courtesy of Banned Network. Image of Hank Philippi Ryan courtesy of Lucius Beebe Memorial Library. Both used under Creative Commons.