
2014 Goals Update – 3/4 mark

by Mary Sutton / @mary_sutton73

2014Okay, so the year is three-fourths over. I’m having a hard time wrapping my brain – what little is left of it – around that fact. Wow.

That said, here’s where I stand – and I’m not sure I feel good about it (dunno).

Write books 5-7 in Hero’s Sword

Book 5, Fire Storm, is done and read for submission to the editor. Book 6 (Shadow Dance) is almost finished. Just needs one final read-through (okay, maybe two). The plot for Book 7, which is yet untitled, is written, but I have yet to start the draft. The way I work here, I like to have the plot of the next book (in this case, it would be Book 8) written before I start drafting. So I guess I should start thinking about Book 8. This goal is still achievable (I think).

Get Every Other Monday ready for an editor by September

I got this done. I got it ready and even sent it off early. I was hoping for feedback of “you’ve got some minor issues to fix, but it’s good.” Yeah, not so much.

However, after several days of sulking, lots of chocolate, a few tears, and some well-timed exercises (courtesy of my SinC chapter’s annual retreat), I have a plan forward. I’ve talked it over with the editor and she approves the plan. It’ll be more work than I anticipated, but hey, it’ll make the story better. And that’s really what it’s about, right?

Write two more Laurel Highlands stories

Almost done with this. I released A Brew to Die For in September (available on all digital platforms). I’ve also draft what (I think) is a fun little story from the POV of deputy coroner Tom Burns. It was interesting to write and I learned a lot about Burns, too. This one needs some revision before it goes to an editor. Then I have to decide whether to release it on it’s own, or include it as “bonus” material in an anthology. Maybe both. Who knows, right?

Start releasing the Laurel Highlands as digital shorts

Done. Four stories out independently. One as part of Lucky Charms (I get the rights to this back in December, so what to do with it?). Still making a little money. It’s all good.

Attend Writers Police Academy

Done. This was perhaps my favorite writing even to date. Such a blast. Great instructors, great travel companions, great classes. I wanna do it again!

Revise and expand the Black Orchid project

I’ve done this. Well, I’m into second-draft mode and am sending through my (brand new) critique group. I expect A LOT of changes, but it’s underway and I like where it’s going. I don’t know Jackson and Max quite as well, but I’m getting there.

Continue learning craft

Ongoing, always ongoing. Read James Scott Bell’s Write Your Novel from the Middle and all sorts of light-bulbs went off. Attended the aforementioned retreat and did some fabulous characterization/setting activities that are going to be very helpful. And I learned that, although Sally hasn’t forayed into the courtroom for some scenes yet, I’ve neglected my learning about the legal/lawyer world (but my police procedure is solid). So I ordered a book today from Amazon. Hey, I couldn’t pick only one challenging writing area. No, I had to pick two (police work AND law). Color me ambitious.

So there you have it. Update at the end of the fourth quarter. I’ve got my work cut out for me for the final quarter. I’m itching to start some new projects, but I think I really have to wrap some of this other stuff up first. We shall see.

Wish me luck.